Free Robots.txt Generator

Free Custom Robots.txt Generator for Blogger

Enter your Blogger blog name (without "https://" or "www."):

Your Robots.txt:

Steps to Generate Custom Robots.txt for Blogger:

  1. Go to the Robots.txt Generator
    Open the custom robots.txt generator tool on your site.

  2. Enter Your Blogger Blog Name
    In the input field, type your Blogger blog name. For example, if your blog URL is, just enter

  3. Click "Generate Robots.txt"
    Once you have entered your blog name, click the "Generate Robots.txt" button. This will create the robots.txt file specifically for your blog.

  4. Copy the Generated Robots.txt
    The generated robots.txt file will appear in the text area below the button. Copy the text.

  5. Add the Robots.txt to Blogger
    Go to your Blogger dashboard:

    • Navigate to SettingsCrawlers and Indexing.
    • Enable Custom Robots.txt.
    • Paste the robots.txt content you copied earlier and save the changes.


1. What is a robots.txt file?
A robots.txt file is a simple text file used to tell search engine bots which parts of your site they should or shouldn’t crawl. It helps control which content is indexed by search engines.

2. Why do I need a custom robots.txt for Blogger?
By default, Blogger provides a basic robots.txt file, but creating a custom one allows you to fine-tune how search engines crawl your blog, helping improve SEO and privacy for certain pages.

3. Can I stop specific pages from being indexed?
Yes. By modifying the Disallow section in the generated robots.txt, you can block specific pages or sections from being indexed. For example, the generator already blocks search result pages (/search).

4. How often should I update my robots.txt file?
You only need to update the robots.txt file if you make major changes to your site structure, or if you want to block new sections or allow specific content.

5. Does this tool support custom domains for Blogger?
Yes! If you are using a custom domain for your Blogger blog, the generated robots.txt will still work. Just replace the blog URL in the generated code with your custom domain.

6. Where do I submit my sitemap?
Your sitemap URL is automatically included in the robots.txt. You can also manually submit your sitemap through Google Search Console to ensure search engines crawl your blog efficiently.

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